Permeametro Sole Dynamic Permeability
L'apparecchiatura permette di determinare il tempo di passaggio del liquido attraverso la suola This test is intended to verify dynamic impermeability of thick leather for out soles
Specifiche Tecniche
Apparecchio per la determinazione della permeabilità del cuoio suola ref. " IG/ MIS"Norme- I.U.P. 11- UNI EN 12746- ISO- UNI-DIN etc.SPECIFICHE COSTRUTTIVEbasetta portante in lamiera di acciaio debitamente verniciata antiacido in resina epossidica,Gruppo di movimento con motoriduttore ad ingrassaggio permanente,Ruota di pressione e flessione in metallo conduttivoMorsetti in acciaio inox 18/8Piattaforma di contatto con pressione calibrataContenitore liquidoQuadro comandi con:- Interruttore magnetotermico di sicurezza;- Pulsanti Big-Touchi START-STOP;- Contacicli-programmatore digitale a 4 digit.- Sistema ottico-acustico di segnalazione fine ciclo-Contacicli digitale a microprocessore programmabile- Sistema Acquatest digitale per la rilevazione del passaggio dell’acqua
Tecnical Specifications
This test is intended to verify dynamic impermeability of thick leather for out soles. The sample is fixed onto a circular brass drum, which rotates back and forth throughout a determined length over a plate containing a special fabric on its surface. This fabric is being constantly kept wet by means of a special water distribution unit, driven by a calibrated pump.One sensor connected to the brass drum will detect eventual water passage through the sample by sending the input to an acoustic signal. As soon as the water passes through the sample, the Giuliani patented "acquatest" instrument will detemine and kept memorized the time.This equipment is produced in accordance with:- I.U.P. 11- UNI EN 12746- ISO- UNI-DIN etc.Construction Specifications— sheet-steel carrying structure, varnished with antiacid epoxy resin— movement unit, of adequate power, with radiomotor— spiegel brass loading cylinder according to specifications— aluminium and stainless steel 18/8 clamps and specimens-holder unit— adjustable thrust spring with variable pitch screw— double inner rackControl Board with:— magnetothermal safety switch— illuminated START push button— illuminated SToP push button— illuminated MANUAL push button— END OF CYCLE electronic system with optical-acoustic indicator— DIGITAL electronic cycle-counter/programmer