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Ross type Sole Flexometer

Ross type Sole Flexometer

Apparecchio Flessimetro di tipo Ross per test di durata su suola e provini fino a -30°C

This method applies to rubber outsoles to test their resistance to continuous flexion till -30°C
  • Specifiche Tecniche

    "ROSS DEFLECTION TESTING MACHINE'' ref. ''IG/ROSS''NormativeASTM - B.S. - DIN - Uniplast methodPosti di Lavoro- No. 12 posti per provini standard- No. 4 per suoleFlessione: 90° come richiesto dalle normativeSpecifiche Tecniche- Motoriduttore autolubrificante di adeguata potenza- Gruppo di movimento in acciaio INOX 18/8 completo di sistema Giuliani di apertura del gruppo per un facile e perfetto posizionamento del campioneCabina di Controllo- Interruttore Magnetotermico Generale di Sicurezza- Pulsanti big-touch START-STOP- Programmatore elettronico digitale a 6 cifre- Reset

  • Tecnical Specifications

    This method applies to rubber outsoles to test their resistance to continuous flexion. The equipment features a whole stainless steel clamps group, able to carry up to n°4 entire soles or n°12 samples.Mechanical motion is guaranteed by a special engine reducer system while a digital cycle counter will provide automatic setting of test parameter.The sole is fixed on the rear part of it while the front part will be subject to downwards/upwards continuous flexion.Before starting process, the operator shall provide a cut onto the sole upper side, given by a standardized steel punch.The eventual dimensional enlarging of such provoked cut will be measured to verify flexion resistance.This machine is produced in accordance with:ASTM - B.S. - DIN Working Places— No. 12 for standard specimens— No. 4 for whole solesFlexures: at 90° as requested by the specificationsConstruction Specifications— standard movement unit with radiomotor with permanent greasing— flexure unit in stainless steel 18/8 with Giuliani system for the complete opening of the upper unit, in order to havean easier positioning of the specimens— divisible control cabin to allow a possible insertion of the test unit in the refrigerating room for low temperature testsControl Board With:— magnetothermal safety general switch— illuminated START-STOP push buttons— electronic, 6 figures programmer-indicator of the number of cycles— programmer of the WORKING-REST times for tests on special materials (upon specific request)

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