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Resistenza al Taglio da Lama - Gloves Blade Cut Resistance

Resistenza al Taglio da Lama - Gloves Blade Cut Resistance

Apparecchio idoneo alla determinazione dell taglio alla lama

Blade Cut Resistance TestingEquiment for leathers destined to the glove production industry
  • Specifiche Tecniche

    RESISTENZA DEI GUANTI AL TAGLIO DA LAMAApparecchio idoneo alla determinazione dell taglio alla lama secondo le normative UNI EN ISO 20388 completo di:-Gruppo motoriduttore di adeguata potenza-Braccio di supporto lama con cuscinetto a 5 posizioni-Carico totale applicato alla lama 5N-Cremaliera di rotazione lama-Sistema di chiusura campione a disegno-Corsa 50 mm.Pannello di controllo:-Interuttore magnetotermico di sicurezza-Pulsanti Start - Stop - Manuale-Contacicli Digitale a 4 digit-Sistema di rilevazione contatto AcquatestAccessori:Confezione n°6 pezzi Lama Normalizzata RB da 45 mm. di diametro

  • Tecnical Specifications

    Giuliani Tecnologie's R&D wishes to draw utilizer's attention on the recently designed and produced Blade Cut Resistance TestingEquiment for leathers destined to the glove production industry.A constant enquiry growth concerning tests to be performed on such matter,has been bringing to this newest project which will allow all producers to be able observing and verifying their products while subjected to severe physical stress action like, in this case, a deep blade cut.The system is designed to obtain a very comfortable test procedure while guarantein complete safety condition either before, during and after the test.Once positioned the sample,the equipment will feature the test automatically and, thanks to sofisticated sensors device,will automatically interrupt the process as the blade has been passing through the sample surface. The operator will be further aided in this circumstance by an acoustic test-end signal which will be working in contemporaneous time.The equipment is provided with a digital cycle counter to be able determining the range desired and achieve a complete test analysis.

    BLADE CUT RESISTANCE EQUIPMENT for gloves applications, designed as below described, in accordance with (except modifies) EN 388 :

    Properly powered engine reducer

    Blade support arm with n°5 positions  gear

    Total applied load on the blade: 5 N

    Sample safety closure system 

    Motion run: 50 mm

    POWER SYSTEM  220v 50 hZ

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